Value of Paper and Print

Ball & Doggett: From Our Family To Yours

From Our Family To Yours is a cookbook produced by Ball & Doggett, Australia’s largest distributor of paper and printable materials.


  • The book contained a range of recipes selected by staff members that had brought their families comfort during the lock down period. The national team were engaged throughout the whole process to maintain the vision of the publication and to create a personal feel. The book was interwoven with quotes focusing on positivity and optimism selected from guests hosted in a twelve- week online ‘Interview Series’ by the company. The deliberate use of five different stocks allowed Ball & Doggett to showcase the creative nature of paper and print and their wide product range, all while engaging customers and creating a memorable experience. For example, the cover was made of potato starch which was a unique touch, and the cookbook included a Christmas card that contained basil seeds, doubling as a Christmas gift for recipients to plant in their garden.

The results

  • In the first four weeks of the distribution of the cookbook, the sales in two different stock lines increased by 18- 25%, demonstrating the effectiveness and personal nature of print.

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